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The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty

Georgetown, Washington D.C. Actress and divorced mother Chris MacNeil starts to experience 'difficulties' with her usually sweet-natured 
eleven-year-old daughter Regan. The child becomes afflicted by spasms, convulsions and unsettling amnesiac episodes; these abruptly worsen 
into violent fits of appalling foul-mouthed curses, accompanied by physical mutation. Medical science is baffled by Regan's plight and, in 
her increasing despair, Chris turns to troubled priest and psychiatrist Damien Karras, who immediately recognises something profoundly 
malevolent in Regan's distorted fetures and speech. On Karras's recommendation, the Church summons Father Merrin, a specialist 
in the exorcism of demons . . .
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The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty

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